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I am a Videographer/Film-maker who LOVES her job. I have my Film degree from UNC-Greensboro and I graduated with Honors. I am offering my knowledge to you for a fraction of the cost of a Film-school Course. So if you are just getting into Video making or trying to get into Films, here are the different kinds of workshops I am offering. My films have been screened at Film-festivals. I have camera training from TCT (WLXI).

We will be offering 2 hour Workshops (Lessons) on the following:

A. Basic Video Camera Techniques (Film-making/Videography) - $100 per student (before any coupon)

"Bring your own hand-held camera".

So you love making videos of all the beautiful moments in your life or thinking about starting your own YouTube channel and just bought a nice handy cam or video camera. Now you want to make your videos appear professionally done. Yes, you want to get the right angles, nicer framing and accurate spacing of the subjects etc. But to get that you need to know what a Medium Shot or Full Shot is, how to Zoom in and out at the right time, what is an "Over the shoulder shot" and what is Blocking anyway? Yes, I teach you the essentials in the first step towards making great looking videos.

B. Screen-writing (writing for films) -$80 per student (before any coupon)

This is for people who want to learn the correct way of writing a movie script. Basic/beginner's workshop.

C. Final Cut Editing -$150 per student (before any coupon).
Must have Final Cut 7 on your Mac.

D. Basic Photo Editing -$90 per student (before any coupon).
Color correction, red eye removal etc.

E. Use your Point and Shoot Camera like a Pro -$100 per student (before any coupon).

Don't own a DSLR? No problem, you can still take photos with your point and shoot camera and people will think you used an expensive DSLR to capture precious moments.

F. Advanced Film-making Workshop for groups of two -$350 per group, plus additional equipment rental fees if necessary/requested by student. Needs to be discussed beforehand to understand pre-workshop responsibilities of the student.



NOTE: COUPONS AVAILABLE on Craigslist, Groupon or Facebook. Just ask!

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